世界で最も権威あるワイン品評会、IWC2024(インターナショナル ワイン チャレンジ)の普通酒部門で、久家本店の代表銘柄「上撰 一の井手」がシルバー メダルを受賞。
Anticipation fills the air for the creation of this delightful sake.
Today marked the debut pressing for this season's Daiginjo sake. It's our second year using "Gin no Sato" rice from Usuki.
Next week, the second batch of Daiginjo will be pressed, followed the week after that with the Tokubetsu Junmai Muroka Namagensyu - USUKI, brewed with "Wakamizu" rice from Usuki.
Excitement builds as the team works towards crafting exceptional sake.