
 世界で最も権威あるワイン品評会、IWC2024(インターナショナル ワイン チャレンジ)の普通酒部門で、久家本店の代表銘柄「上撰 一の井手」がシルバー メダルを受賞。 兵庫県より西では、一社だけの受賞です。地道な酒造りが評価されて、とても嬉しく、好物のカツオの刺身をあてに、一人祝杯を上げました。(社長談)

Sweet Potato Shochu - Shochu serenaded by Mozart using the Music Vibration Maturation Technology. Made using 100% Kanta-Kun, a type of Beniharuka sweet potato with a high sugar content, cultivated in ...

Renpei-kun and Uta-chan from Usu-Kids (Usuki Cable Net) embarked on a company tour at Kuge Honten. The president and Toji Matsuno provided an engaging explanation of the company and sake, tailored for...

As the summer heat lingers, why not relax, and refresh yourself with our plum fruit ?In addition to a pleasingly low price, Kuge Honten’s plum fruit is free of artificial colourings and preservatives ...


Participating in the Nippon ! Japanese Sake Campaign by the National Sake Brewers Association, Kuge Honten showcased Junmai Daiginjo - Ichinoide, Daiginjo - Kurokui, and Iyanbai Umeshu at Narita Airpo...

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